On the 25th June, we set out from Tamworth to begin our epic journey across Australia. The journey was a great experience (and we didn't have to put up with any screaming kids like some of our friends would). On the first day we travelled 11 hours to Broken Hill. The countryside was incredibly flat and we saw a variety of different animals along the way. On the second day we travelled 4 hours to Port Pirie where we were able to catch up with Tamara's friend Alison who she taught with in Tamworth last year.

On day three we made our way to Nundroo which is a VERY SMALL hotel about 160kms west of Ceduna. It was one of those experiences we can say that we have done and don't have to repeat! Actually, it wasn't that bad. On this day we past through Kimba which is known as the half way across Australia mark.
After an early start (3.30am Sydney time to be exact) we began our longest leg of our journey. Originally we were going to stay in Norseman, but decided to continue an extra hour and a half to Kalgoorlie. All up we drove about 13 hours on day four. It was a long day, but the spa suite in Kalgoorlie made it worthwhile. We saw even more wildlife on this day with Scott seeing a wedgetail eagle (one of his favourite animals) and even a whale whilst standing on one of the many lookouts across the Great Australian Bight - sorry no photos of the real thing, but below is a whale we saw at the Nullabor Roadhouse.

One of the reasons we went to Kalgoorlie was so Tamara could see the massive super pit where a massive hole extends deep into the earth for mining. It was dark when we arrived so we decided to wait until the morning but there was a thick fog waiting for us and we couldn't see too much.

After Kalgoorlie, we only had about 6 and a half hours to Perth. Although it was a long trip we really enjoyed the experience and we are planning to return to Sydney at the end of the year by travelling the road again. We are already planning the places we intend on staying which is exciting.
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